Godfried-Willem Raes

Fuji san ni nobore

[Climbing Fujisan]

for player piano


This is a population of isogenetic algoritmic compositions written for the player piano. The duration of each individual version is always between 4'20" and 5'30". Each individual is different and may very well have no notes in common with any other individual version. Changing the tempo will not affect the duration of any piece, the duration being a genetic property of the algorithm. Yet they share a common 'genetic' material and thus should be regarded a same piece.

Midi files for player pianos can be requested from the author.

In the background you may be listening to isogene nr. 20 of Fuji san ni nobore. This specific version was written is answer to a request of pianist Daan Vandewalle.

A MP3 encoded recording of the player piano version can be listened at by clicking this link:



Premiere: 02.08.2001 - Logos Tetrahedron.

Further performances:


Godfried-Willem RAES
Public Domain,june 2001

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P.S.: Voor uitvoeringen van dit stuk moeten noch mogen auteursrechten worden betaald. Elke poging tot inning van auteursrechten, door welke instantie ook, naar aanleiding van publieke uitvoeringen van dit stuk kan gerechterlijk als poging tot afpersing worden vervolgd.