3 modules, each with 8 sirens. Each module has a single PIC. First tentative circuit: http://www.logosfoundation.org/instrum_gwr/sire.html Midi kanaal voor Sire: 12 (starting from 0) PIC: Sire luistert via midi naar NOTE ON (144+k) kommandos met velocity 60-83 Velo selects the siren!!! PIC1: velo ranges 60-67 sirens 1-8 module 1 PIC2: velo ranges 68-75 sirens 9-16 module 2 PIC3: velo ranges 76-83 sirens 17-24 module 3 60 = siren 0 61 = siren 1 ... 83 = siren 23 Note selects the speed (use look up table for midi-note to MSB pwm value, to the nearest semitone). To switch off a siren: 144+k , %False, velo as above OR: 128+k , velo as above, %False Controllers 60-83: select the LSB for the motor speed. (cent correction for pitch. Always higher than the value set with note/MSB) Controller 14: set breaking mode. If false, not breaking is in affect, if true breaking is active. Break time proportional to value of controller (1-127ms). Controller 123: all notes (sirens) off last update : 04.03.2005