Iannis Xenakis 1929
Nomos Alpha

for cello solo 1965 (15')

  Nomos Alpha Is somehow       
                 emblemAtic, some say problematic
  'nomos' meaNs 'rule', 'law'
'special melody' a
Nd 'mode'            
       'alpha', 'begInning' a dedication to
 the memory of the 'fir
St' -ancient              
 greek musictheorist Aristo
Xenes of Tarento              
                          unprEdictable, abstract, ritual music
                               coNceptualy extremly complex, as based
      on the 24 rotAtion-possibilities of
      the hexaeder, 'maKing music out of a cube'!
 ultimately parametr
Ized, full of          
 rude, raw and conjuring ge
     durations dyNamics and densities
 chaos and
          the 'game',is synchronisM,conjunction,disjunction or negation
                 'symbOlic music' in a sense of
 mathematical logic ba
Sed on set-theory        
       but, nevertheless pervaded by An incontestable frenetic expressiveness
  violent, expLosive and abrupt
poetry, science and
    matched into an energetic patcHwork of carefully sculpted 'affects'
       the end, omegA', a 'deus ex machina'

Arne Deforce

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